Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We had a grand prize winner, a 2nd runner up. We also had two other students receive prizes for contributing more than 1000 cans! Well done!!!

Ciera A. Grand prize winner-2822 Cans

Jordan W. 2nd place winner-2637 Cans

Paula M. 3rd place winner-1794 Cans

Chet P. 4th place winner-1650 Cans

Winners pictured with Principal Suarez (Paula M. not pictured)

The Donut Party for Mr. Reno's Climb Class

The class has Jordan and Ciera to thank for single-handedly bringing home the prize. A BIG thank you goes to Harmons for providing the donuts and juice for the occasion. Great Job, Students!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

185 pounds of Cans

...in case you are curious...this is what 185 pounds of cans looks like. These are all of the cans from one collection day on the scale at the recycle center.


I'm so proud of all of the Mount Jordan Middle School Students!!!! You have all worked so very hard. YOU save 20,130 cans from going into the landfill!!! That is incredible. Ok, now on to what you really want to know....who won.

No shocker, the 7th Graders KILLED the 8th and 9th Graders. In fact, if you would add all of the cans that the 8th and 9th Graders brought in...then DOUBLE it, the 7th Graders still would have won!!! EXCELLENT. You'll be rewarded with candy bars tomorrow during CLIMB.

Here is how the numbers stacked up:

We had some phenomenal contributions from key individuals, and because of the effort of two young ladies, Mr. Reno's class wins the dount party!! Congratulations. Mrs. Mumford's class deserves an honorable mention.

Here is how the class competition stacked up:

Individual Winners:

Ciera A. in Mr. Reno's class is the grand prize winner with 2822 cans.

Jordan W. in Mr. Reno's class is the 2nd place winner with 2637.

Paula M. in Mrs. Alford's Class and Chet P. in Mumford's Class each deserve big honorable mentions. They brought in 1794 and 1650 cans, respectively.

Awards will be given on Tuesday, November 25th during CLIMB.

Well done students!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Results from November 14th

Ok, guys...this was a slim week for the cans.

We have one more week to go, and let's make this last week the best week ever.Jordan W. brought the most cans last week, and is in the overall lead total for the $100 prize.

Chet P. in Mumford's class is still in the hunt for the $100 prize. Ciera A. (also in Mr. Reno's class) brought in a lot of cans as well.

The last collection day will be Monday, November 24th, and the prizes will be handed out before Thanksgiving. Keep up the great work!!!

The 7th Graders are still in the lead, and they've been consistent each week. This is how the race for the grade prize looks:

Mumford and Reno are neck and neck for the donut party. Here is how that looks:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Extra, Extra...Results of the Third Can Collection

Well, you Mount Jordan Middle School Students should be very proud of yourselves. Each week, you keep bringing more cans! Great job.

This week, we had almost 5,000 cans!!! To-date, we've collected 12,816 cans! Way to go! Those are cans that don't go in the land fills. Here is a thought....Recycling one aluminum can save enough energy to run a television for three hours. The energy conserved by recycling our cans has successfully enabled televisions to run for 38,448 hours...and that's a lot of TV.

So, here's how it breaks down. The 7th Grade is in the lead...and it's a BIG lead. They have 7,835 cans. A distant second is the 9th Grade with 2,993 cans, and the 8th Grade is in third place with 1,980 cans. Here's how it looks:

The class in the lead is Mrs. Mumford's Class with 2,377 cans. Holyoak is not far behind. Reno, Washburn, Soriano, Alford and Otterstrom are all in the race for the class prize...a donut party before Thanksgiving break. Here is the CLIMB Class chart:

Chet P. in Mrs. Mumford's class brought in 1,200 cans and is now in the lead with 1,650 cans total. Jordan W. (our mega-star from last week) is not far behind with 1,540 cans. Anyone can still win. There are three weeks left and two collection dates. There are over 30 students who have contributed 100 cans or more! That's a phenomenal effort, and you're making a difference.

Keep up the great work!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Correction to Week 2 Results: Kudos to Jordan W. in Mr. Reno's Class

Due to an administrative error, we failed to recognize the GREAT contribution of Jordan W. She single-handedly (with some help from her mom) contributed 1,540 cans! Wooo-hooo!!!! Please accept our apologies for this mistake.

This dramatically changes the competition. The 7th Graders are still in the lead, and might we say that they have a commanding lead.

This contribution also puts Mr. Reno's class in the lead with...you guessed it....1,540 cans. Mrs. Holyoak's class is very close behind with 1,408 cans, and Mrs. Washburn is not far behind with 1,270 cans. There are THREE more weeks left in the contest, so any class can win. Jordan has proven the effect that one student can have. And, in case there was any doubt, she is in the lead!!! Remember, there is a $100.00 prize at stake. She is killing the competition, so if you want to be in the game, you need to get collecting.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Ask your neighbors to collect their cans for you and agree on a day of the week that you'll pick them up.
  2. Ask people at your church who might be interested in doing the same (see number 1)

  3. If your parent doesn't have a recycle program at work, ask if they'll take in a bag to work and make a sign for the lunchroom, break room or the vending machine space.

  4. Have your parents spread the word. This is a way for people to help you out without having to buy anything or give money.

  5. Ask your relatives who live in the area to collect cans and get your parents to help you collect them on a designated day.

Here are the NEW and REVISED charts to show the grade totals and the class totals

Totals by Grade

Totals by Teacher

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Results for 2nd Can Collection

You should all be very proud! This week you collected over 5,000 cans! That is 5,000 cans that we took in for recycling that will not go into our local landfill. Well done!

Congratulations to Daisy B. in Mrs. Washburn's class who was our weekly winner. To be entered to win, you have to bring 10 cans in one week. Daisy won a $10.00 gift certificate to the Sandy 9 Dollar Theater!

There was a record this week for the class that brought in the most cans. Mrs. Washburn's 8th Grade Class brought in 1,270 cans!!!! Way to go. Mrs. Holyoak's class is still in the lead, but Washburn is right on their tails. Soriano and Mumford are not far behind. Here is how the class race is looking....

The 7th Graders are in the lead in the race of the grades. They brought in a whopping 3,250 cans this week!!!!!! That's more cans that were brought in all together last week! They have double the amount of total cans that the 9th graders have. The 8th graders had a MUCH better showing this week and are not far behind the 9th graders. Here is how that all looks.

Colton P. from Mrs. Holyoak's class is in the lead for the individual prize, but close behind are Paula M. in Mrs. Alford's class and Amanda H. in Mrs. Washburn's class. Chet P. in Mrs. Mumford's class is not far behind any of them.

Keep collecting cans...ask your neighbors, your family, your friends....all of the money that we collect from the recycling effort goes to your school!

You guys are doing a GREAT job. Keep up the good work. The next collection day is Thursday, October 30th...because there is no school on Halloween!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week One Results

You should all be very proud. We had a good turn out for the first week's collections...all things considered. The fire drill in the middle of climb class threw a bit of chaos into the mix, but you collected 3,126 cans...which weighed 95 pounds. Good job!

The 9th graders are leading the way with 1623 cans total. You have Mrs. Holyoak's class to thank for your lead. They brought 1255 cans! Way to go. Remember, the class that collects the most over the entire recycle drive will win a yummy donut party. And let me just tell you that there have been enough donuts donated for you each to have several. The 7th graders are right on the tails of the 9th graders. They have 1332 cans total. Good job! The 8th graders need a bit of help. I guarantee that they don't want to be beaten by the 7th graders.

The classes in the lead are: Mrs. Holyoak followed closely by Mrs. Mumford's class.

Weekly Winner: Jeremiah J. in Mrs. Mumford's class. Congratulations! He won a movie pass to Jordan Commons for two free movie tickets.

The following students also received prizes for contributing over 100 cans:

Colton P. in Mrs. Holyoak's Class (grand prize of the week...big bag of skittles!)

Chet P. in Mrs. Mumford's Class

Ashlee L. in Mrs. Holyoak's Class

Mariah D. in Mrs. Holyoak's Class

Tom D. in Mrs. Holyoak's Class

Zach A. in Mr. Wood's Class

Colton in Mrs. Holyoak's class is the man to beat. So far, he has 601 cans! Remember, the student who brings the most cans through November 21, gets $100.00.

Ok, guys...if you want a part of the action, this is only week one. You have many more weeks to go. The first week, we had 38 students participate, and look at what we were able to do! Let's triple our cans for next time. Remember, it only takes 10 cans to be entered to win in the weekly random drawing. When the winner is picked and announced on Monday, the winner will be posted on this site.

Ask your friends, your neighbors, your relatives...to collect cans for you. While the prizes are fun, the cause is important. We're working to collect cans...and convert that to cash for your marquee.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Info for Climb Classes about the Recyling Drive

Cans for Mount Jordan

What?: For 7 weeks this Fall, Mount Jordan students are asked to bring aluminum cans for a recycling drive. The recycle drive begins on Monday, October 6th and ends on Friday, November 21st.

Why?: We’re trying to raise money for an electronic marquee to place on the outside of the school building. The marquee will provide valuable information to students and parents regarding important dates, events and activities. For several years, the PTSA has worked to earn the money for the marquee, and the goal is in sight! This fundraiser is intended to get us closer to the goal and closer to getting your marquee.

How can you help?: Start saving cans now!!! Engage your family, friends and neighbors in collecting cans for Mount Jordan Middle School. Get creative! You might be surprised how your friends and neighbors will support you if you’ll just ask! Approximately 29 cans equal one pound. A pound of aluminum can be redeemed for between 50 and 60 cents. We’re trying to raise $1500.00, and that’s a lot of cans!

Can collection dates-

Bring all cans to your CLIMB CLASS!

•Thursday, October 9th •Monday, November 10th
•Thursday, October 23rd •Friday, November 14th
•Thursday, October 30th •Friday, November 21st


Weekly Drawing: Bring in 10 cans in one week, and you’ll be entered to win! That’s all it takes…10 cans. Each week, one winner will be randomly chosen to win a prize valued at about $10. Examples of prizes include gift cards to fast food restaurants and movie tickets. Each week, you can bring another 10 cans and be entered to win. So, you have 6 chances to win!!!

Climb Class Contest: If your climb class is the one that collects the most cans over the 7 weeks, you’ll win a donut party! Donuts and juice for all!

Battle of the Grades: Who will win? 7th Grade? 8th Grade? 9th Grade? The grade that collects the most cans overall will earn a special treat…and let’s just say..this one is worth it…so, show your competitive spirit…and work hard to make sure you’re grade wins!

The $100 Grand Prize: The student who collects the most cans over all 7 weeks will win a $100.00 Visa gift card. That’s right, $100.00.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Be in the know...Facts about Aluminum Can Recyling

  • 35,000 aluminum cans are produced every minute.
  • 99% of all beer cans and 97% of all soft drink cans are made of aluminum.
  • It takes 500 years for aluminum to break down.
  • Approximately 65.5% of aluminum containers are recycled in the U.S.
  • There is no limit to the amount of times aluminum can be recycled.
  • Aluminum manufacturers have been making cans lighter. In 1972 it took 22 cans to make a pound. Today, it takes 29 cans to make a pound.
  • Recycling is so efficient that it can take as few as 60 days for an aluminum can to be collected, melted down, and made into a new can sitting on a supermarket shelf.
  • If we recycled all of the aluminum trash that Americans throw away, we can rebuild the entire United States' airline fleet every three months.
  • Recycling one aluminum can save enough energy to run a television for three hours.
  • Every aluminum beverage can has an average of 54.7% recycled content.
  • Recycling your aluminum can requires 95% less energy than that required from making a new one with bauxite ore.

Sources: http://www.sandiegozoo.org/society/critters.html;
